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True stories from the research areas

For over 3 years...

For over 3 years we have had the opportunity to be part of a cohabitation site in north Georgia. We call our research area, Area 59. We have been working on building the trust of this family group for over 3 years. This has been a very slow process with setbacks along the way. When we do things they don’t like they let us know. But by learning and not doing those things we have been able to build on that trust. It is now to the point that they don’t hide everything they do. Thus we have been able to explore and understand some of there social habits and special abilities. Our goal is to continue building on that trust to learn more about them and their special abilities in the future. We will put forth evidence and stories from Area 59 in the near future for you to review. We do not try to convince anyone that we are experts in any way nor are we trying to prove to anyone these creatures exist. We are and will be self funded but just want to share evidence and stories that we have observed to people interested or believe in Bigfoot/Sasquatch’s existence. Please let us know if you like the information and future stories we share with you.

Boards in the Pond

Before Bigfoot let us know he was on the property we saw some things that made no sense. There's no bear here and what was being done had to be strong and have hands.

My wife wanted to have a pond. On the property there was a dried up pond but the springs that fed it had been blocked by tree roots. So instead of digging them back out we decided to pump water into the pond. Since there was no fish in the pond we had to restock the pond with fish. There was an old abandoned barn near the pond and the floor had caught on fire. It once was being used to make furniture and had a sawdust floor. There was an old table with plywood on top to cut the wood on that also caught on fire. Once the fire was out the legs and sides had to be thrown into the pond so it wouldn't reignite the fire. After the pond was full we decided to take the wood out of the pond so it would not harm the fish. We noticed then that all the wood was in the water burnt side down (which was the lightest side). There were also a lot of leaches on the burnt side of the boards. After collecting all the boards we threw the m on a hillside near the pond. The next weekend we went back to feed the minnows we had stocked in the pond. To our amazement all the boards were back in the pond. And the lightest side of each board (the burnt side) was on bottom and in the water. I went through all the animals we have in the area and could not figure out what animal could do it or would do it. But it was just a mystery. Even stranger is if these were thrown back in, how is the lightest side on bottom? Typically most of the time the heaviest side would be on bottom. We again took the leaches off the boards and threw them out of the pond. Guess what the next weekend we again found the boards back in the pond burnt side down. This time I just said the heck with it they can just stay in the pond. Some of these boards weighted up to 35 lbs and 4 foot long. How and what put them back in and why.

This all made more sense after the Bigfoot clan let us know they were there. Bigfoot has hands and there was a reason for them being put back in burnt side down. Evidently the leaches were attracted by the burnt side of the boards. So this was a protein source for the Bigfoot clan. They would walk in the pond, flip the boards over, eat the leaches and then turn them back burnt side down for a protein source for a later time. Now it made sense. By us taking the boards out was taking food away from them so they would just put them back in the pond. To their benefit their hunger for protein was more important to them than our drive to protect the fish. I bet they were happy that we refilled the pond and stocked it with fish. Now they can take a bath and eat at the same time!!! Lol

Who moved the feeder

Who moved the stump feeder?

Early before we had much interaction with Bigfoot we had several stump feeders and would put corn in it to attract the deer. I’ve always loved deer but I couldn’t figure out why there weren’t more deer around. The feeders could hold about 300 lbs of corn and we put shoots on the bottom to keep the corn off the ground. They were extremely hard to move because the shoots got in the way of your legs and it was big around. The only hand holds held the rubber handles that kept the lid on it. The easiest way to move it was to take the lid off and even then it was hard. We never hunted the deer but we loved to watch them.

One day as we were riding around we saw one of the feeders had moved about 10 yards. This was strange since no one had been on the property to move it. After looking around you could see where something had stepped on four corn stalks and flattened them. There was a line across the corn that looked like a foot. I went to check the trail that lead to the feeder and there on the trail was a large Bigfoot footprint. Still to this day we don’t know why it moved the feeder. Was it telling us they wanted more corn or did they want it in a place easier to grab a deer? Still a mystery!!!

Footprints in the Pond

Early on in our relationship with the Bigfoot Clan we saw something amazing. We came home early from work after a stressful day. We decided to go to the pond and feed the fish. That was our relaxing place where it is so peaceful and quiet. It seems like no matter how bad a day you had it takes the worries away. At the time we didn’t realize how much the Bigfoot clan patterns us. We later have found that if we go to places at unusual times we find really fresh evidence. On this day as we were going around one end of the pond we saw 2 large footprints coming out of the pond. They were made earlier but they were like highlighted because the muddy water had settled in the prints making them show up plain as day. And of course in our amazement we didn’t even think about taking pictures (which seems to happen a lot in Bigfoot sightings). So that night I realized we didn’t take a picture so the next morning I was going to try to get a picture of them. I went to the pond and saw the print closest to the bank but due to the ripples and reflections in the water it didn’t turn out that good. On the way back I saw something that happened during the night. It had been a calm night with no wind or storms. We had put a blue tarp on the hillside of a pad we had made with a lot of dirt. Erosion was washing it away so we put the tarp over it with rocks on all 4 corners to hold it down. It hadn’t moved in 4 years. But that night something had picked it up and moved it up as if looking to see or find something under it. I’m 6’4” with long arms and I couldn’t have put the tarp as high as it was without climbing up the bank. But there was no evidence of that here. On down the trail we had a popup blind we used to watch deer it had been moved down the trail and into the woods. The only thing we could figure out was one of the adult males was there and not happy with us for putting the blind on his trail and he pulled the tarp up to let us know it was him. They do things in crazy ways to send us messages. I had the feeling at the pond the day before we were being watched. Maybe that was just there way to let us know they were there.


As I had stated before if we make a mistake Bigfoot will let us know. A friend of ours was working at the pond and needed to turn the electricity off. The power box was in an old open sided barn where it looked like they made furniture. When he went to turn the electricity off he couldn’t get to the box due to so many bees coming out if the ground. He thought they were yellow jackets so he went and bought several cans of poison to kill them with. After killing them he finished the repairs and left. What he was telling me made no sense. We had never see wasps or bees in there and there wasn’t a hole in the ground. 2 days later I went to check it out. There was a blue tarp that must have been under the sawdust it had been pulled back to expose the hole. Then I saw 2 30’ trees had been pushed into the pond. Since there are no bears in the area I knew what had done it. Bigfoot!!! But why had the trees been pushed into the pond? Then I thought about the hole that was bigger than bowling ball size and went to get a closer look. I shined a flashlight into the hole and there it was. Part of a honeycomb. So what had happened was one of them knew the tarp was under the sawdust. Pulled it back to expose the hole (in the closeup picture you can actually see where it appears the tarp was grabbed). Grabbed the honeycomb and probably due th the wasp attack dropped the tarp and ran off. We unknowingly killed honeybees and not Yellowjacket’s. Thus we had killed their honey production and didn’t even know it. So they were upset that we did that and sent us a message that they weren’t happy about it by pushing 2-30 foot trees into the pond. I went to check the hole to see if any other animals could have done it and it didn’t appear they could. There were no dig marks on the ground, no push marks on the ground that a wild hog would do. Just the stretch marks left on the tarp where it was pulled back and it is way to wide for it to be a raccoon. So as you can see they will let you know if you do something wrong. But you have to be open minded enough to figure out what you did. Lessons learned!!!

The Apple Tree

At first we put apples out to let Bigfoot know we would live in peace with them. We put 2 nails in a tree very high up. Then we stuck an apple on each nail. The apples would always disappear very quickly. My wife and I were putting more apples on the tree. We wanted to find somewhere to add more apples but there was no place to put any. So I told my wife I wish we had somewhere that we could put more apples. The next weekend I went to put more apples out. I looked around and on the other side of the fence there were 4 sticks in the shape of a tee-pee. At the top where all the sticks crossed made a perfect cup to put an apple on. I put an apple there and partially hid it. I said to myself “Let’s see how smart they are and see if they can find this apple.” The next day I went back and both of the apples on the tree and the one in the cup were gone. I put 2 more on the tree and one on the cup. Then I looked around and found another tee-pee shaped made by sticks with a cup on top. I couldn’t believe it. That was not there the day before. Then I started looking at the first one found the day before. I found that 4 sticks had been stuck in the ground about 3” deep at different angles against a vine. These hadn’t gotten there naturally. They had been put there to make a cup shape perfect to put an apple on. I then checked the other one and it was made the same way. I had put the apple there to hide it from them. But I put it exactly where they made a place for me to put it. At first I was upset. I was testing them to see how smart they were but I put it right where they wanted me to. I went ahead and added the forth apple on the second holder they made. That night I realized how smart they really were to be able to make the places to put the apples and it look so natural you never would have known it. Then I started thinking about my wife and I talking about needing a place to put more apples. The next time we went there one showed up. Could they have heard us and somehow knew what we said? That started us trying to figure out if they could. More stories will answer that later.

The first picture below shows how we put the nails on the tree for the apples. The second picture was an earlier picture showing the structure wasn’t there. The last picture shows the structure they made holding the apple. That was the beginning of learning how smart these creatures actually are. What do you think? Do you think they understood what we said?

Bigfoot Trackway?

In a fast moving creek there is a rocky island where rocks have been piled up during torrential rains. It is surrounded by water but there are trails on each side of the creek. It appears that one of the Bigfoot may have crossed the rocky island when it was crossing the creek. Notice the prints are one in front of the other which is typical for Bigfoot but not people.

Check out our Merch


Gifting in the beginning when we were attempting to learn about these creatures we wanted to create some interaction between us and the Bigfoot family. So we watched some videos and heard about gifting and decided to give that a try. We saw and heard they liked blue marbles so we bought a jar of beautiful blue marbles. We had a stump feeder that was flat on top which we would put corn in for the deer. We decided to put 9 blue marbles on top of the stump feeder and see what happens. We believed it was near one of their trails and thought there was a great chance it would be seen. The next weekend we went to the stump feeder and all the marbles were gone and none were on the ground. We had heard that if you gift them something they usually would gift something back. We expected flowers, sticks woven together, feathers and things like that. What they gave us was unexpected to say the least. As we were driving back my wife stopped the side by side and said where did these come from pointing at 2 huge rocks. There was one on each side of the trail. I looked at them and said “I have no idea. I’ve never seen them before.” then we drove back. A couple weeks later driving back from a weekend trip I started thinking about the marbles and wondered why we didn’t get a gift back. Then my mind went back to the huge rocks on each side of the trail. Could that possibly have been our gift. We gave them something hard like a rock. Maybe they gave these to us as our gift. After returning I know we had to check this out. So the next day we drove the side by side and took an off trail short cut to get where the rocks were. To our amazement the rocks were gone. The trail we normally use is in the shape of a big U. So we were confused on what had happened no one had been on the property to move or take them. As we were going up the trail we had a couple of peach trees planted. The first one we came to the Bigfoot clan would eat first when ripe. Guess what was their? That’s right one of the rocks (the biggest one that looks square ish). We wondered where the other one was. On the other side on the U was the other one and they had added another one like it. Those 2 were on each side of the trail. So basically what we learned is that if you give them or they take something they deem to have value they will gift you back. If they leave a gift for you and you don’t take it they will move it to make sure you see it. Over the last 3 years they have gifted us some amazing and beautiful gifts. But this first one was really special since it was the beginning of interactions between our family and their clan. The trust between us has only grown stronger since that time.

Can Bigfoot turn Translucent

Do you believe in the possibility of Bigfoot?Many pictures taken of what is believed to be pictures of Bigfoot just appears as a black and blurry human looking shape as 2 of the pictures below. But one below shows one peeking around a tree at about 125 yards. Even though still blurry it appears to show the face, chest, a shoulder and a arm. What do you think?

Funny how you learn things

It’s funny how some things you learn about you find by accident. We were trying to prove a theory on something else when we took these pictures but instead we learned something else that we believe Bigfoot does. We had learned that Bigfoot liked to eat dry dog food (they actually took a 35 lb bag from us after the battery to our security camera went dead. ). So we emptied a 14 lb bag of dog food in this large plastic container (most people use these containers to put unused Christmas wrapping paper in after Christmas). What we noticed from these pictures is that the bottom edges of the plastic containers have grooves that the crumbs settle in. But notice that in the picture all the crumbs are only in one corner. Where the container sits is level which means the only way this happens is if the container was picked up and tilted so that all the crumbs moved there. But that would require hands and why would they do that. The answer can be seen on the zoomed in picture. It appears that Bigfoot or something with hands had licked or moistened it’s fingers somehow to get the crumbs to stick to them much like a person would do to pick up the last crumbs of some tasty potato chips. You can see in the crumbs where 4 fingers had been. Later we checked out this theory and found that at the bottom of these containers there were almost always bare finger tip marks left in the grooves where they were trying to eat the last of the crumbs.

Baby Butt Cheeks

Near the gifting station I noticed a new trail after some new tracks appeared. In the past there was no trash left. Where it went or what happened to it was unknown. But now there was trash where wrappers were opened up. There were no claw marks, teeth marks, or bite marks on the wrappers. They all were pulled open from the side. Most of us pull them from the end to open not the side since the side is harder to do. Now back to the trail. I wanted to see where it went. It didn’t take long to see some small barefoot human looking prints about 5 inches long. The trail went down to the creek where there was a log lying on the ground. In front of the log was trash left where the little one had dropped it. Going to the log you can see a print but the most amazing thing is the log. It had moss on it but where the little one sat had rubbed the moss off. And as you can see it looks like butt cheek impressions. The other neat thing about this location it has a huge vine going up a huge tree. If any danger come it would just grab the vine and go up into the tree to escape. What a great place to sit and eat. By a bubbling creek on a log with the ability to escape quickly. But how often do you get to see butt cheek impressions. And no I did not go to see if there was a smell!!! Lol

Crappy Situation

The pictures below are some interesting Bigfoot evidence. From time to time I would gift a jar of peanut butter to the Bigfoot clan. I leave the top tightly closed so it would require hands to open. Typically an adult Bigfoot would take the top off and only take the jar with them. From what I have observed an adult will use a stick to get the peanut butter out. But evidentially this youngster hadn’t learned that and wanted to eat with his fingers. So he/she decided to just peel the jar down like a banana to get to the peanut butter. It’s amazing how strong their hands and fingers are.

Another fun fact is we believe the adults may use the peanut butter jars as a drinking cup. The only empty jars ever found have been next to the creek.

The Whistle

My wife and I were at the pond one day relaxing. We had made a pipe fountain in the middle of the pond to make it more relaxing and also to help add oxygen to the water. At the time the pump wasn't on so she wanted me to go flip the override switch to turn the pump on that feeds the fountain. I went into the old barn and flipped the switch. On the way out I heard the most beautiful calming whistle I've ever heard from the woods next to us (this was definitely no bird whistle). My wife said to me "Did you hear that?" Immediately when she finished there was a second whistle. My wife said to me "I have never heard such a beautiful sweet whistle as that in my life!!!" She knew what it was and didn't have to ask. Then there was a third whistle. My wife is much better at whistling than I am. So I said why don't you whistle back. So she did. Then from the other corner of the pond there was a large limb break. The feeling I got from it was two fold. One to reassure the baby that she was there and safe and also one to let us know not to try any funny business. So at this time I already knew I could communicate with them. So I basically stated "We mean no harm to you and your baby. You'll are welcome here." Then any feelings of unease or edginess immediately went away. So we then decided just to leave and let them enjoy the peaceful fountain!!!

I felt like that helped build more trust with the Bigfoot clan.

Legend says that a Bigfoot can grow up to 15 feet… but they usually just have two…

Peanut Butter Jar

The pictures below are some interesting Bigfoot evidence. From time to time I would gift a jar of peanut butter to the Bigfoot clan. I leave the top tightly closed so it would require hands to open. Typically an adult Bigfoot would take the top off and only take the jar with them. From what I have observed an adult will use a stick to get the peanut butter out. But evidentially this youngster hadn’t learned that and wanted to eat with his fingers. So he/she decided to just peel the jar down like a banana to get to the peanut butter. It’s amazing how strong their hands and fingers are.

Another fun fact is we believe the adults may use the peanut butter jars as a drinking cup. The only empty jars ever found have been next to the creek.

The Balls

When we first had the property in north Georgia I made sure the kids had a basketball goal outside so they could get some exercise. We also had a volleyball net to also play volleyball. The only problem is the kids would leave the balls outside to play the next day. Later that week the kids wanted me to buy another basketball, football, volleyball, or whatever kind of ball that went missing. I did a couple of times but on the third time I started making them buy their own ball. Why should I support their habit of being irresponsible! I blamed them the entire time. Then once Bigfoot let us know they were there the unusual happenings became usual. Then as I started exploring the woods guess what I found? That's right, there were balls in the middle of the woods where the kids would never go. And there was no way where these balls were that they could have rolled or been blown there. One ball that I found when I went back a week later it wasn't there any longer. It had been moved again. I guess our forest friends loves to play with balls!!! I wished I would have known it and had a checkout procedure in place so they would have returned them. Lol

I guess the kids may not have been as irresponsible as I thought after all!!!

Image of Bigfoot taking a bath.  Create in

Bigfoot Smell

We have smelled Bigfoot at least 6 to 7 times. For those who don't know they typically smell like a skunk, a skunk and roadkill combination, wet dog and roadkill combination are the most common smells. But there have been others that are different from these. The question is do they smell all time? The answer is no. In fact more people don't smell them than people that do. So what does this mean? First most researchers believe that Bigfoot is the apex predator and the king of the forest. A lot of their prey such as deer, elk, wild hogs, and other animals have a sense of smell thousands of times greater than humans. So it would be real hard for them to sneak up on their prey if they smelled all the time. Every approach can't be from downwind. So what about the smell. The theory is that they possibly have a gland much like a skunk, deer, or many other animals. With this gland they can emit an odor at will. It also seems that they can control the strength of the smell. Many times the smell is so strong that a persons eyes will burn or water uncontrollably. In Area 59 a strong smell has only happened once. The other times it was just a smell of moderate strength. What does this mean? We believe they may actually use the smell to send messages (that is the feeling we get). The real strong smell is used to try to get you to leave the area. The moderate smell is used just to let you know they are there. Even though this can't be proven by any scientific method this is the feeling we get from them. At this time this is the hypothesis we are attempting to prove but at least for now it seems to have some reasonable merit. Just wondering what your thoughts are about their smell?

Image of Bigfoot walking under bridge.  Create in

Bigfoot Highways

Many people believe that Bigfoot only lives in areas where there is a lot of wooded acres together. But there is another thought pattern that they could live anywhere there is enough food available to sustain themselves.

At one point in time I knew where a big male footprint had been found. About 10 miles away there was another big area of woods where a similar size male print was found. But it couldn't be the same one! There was a heavily traveled 4 lane highway that had large open areas on each side and in the median. No one to my knowledge had ever reported seeing a Bigfoot crossing the road. So if they don't cross the road how would the same male get to both sides of the road if it was the same one? Indigenous peoples and people that study these creatures say they follow waterways. And many prints have been found near creeks and rivers.

So one night on the way home I was pondering how the same Bigfoot could get to both of these areas and not cross the highway?Then about that time I hit a bridge and realized, They don't have to!!! They just walk down the creek or river at night and travel under the highway. It's deep enough and dark enough that they can't be seen. I realized I was viewing them as if it was a human and felt really ignorant that I hadn't thought about the creeks and rivers earlier. I wanted to test the theory out so I went to Area 59 where a small creek went under a road. At the time the creek was low and there was a small sandy island in the middle. I pulled over and parked on the side of the road and went to look down from the bridge at the creek. And there it was!!! 2 prints of a small human like bare footprint on the island. There are no houses near there and the creeks banks were 10 to 12 foot high so it is very unlikely to be human prints. So the paved highways are the roads we drive on and creeks and rivers going under our roads are The Bigfoot Highways!!!

BFT - Forest Magician.jpg

Why is Bigfoot not seen more???

This is one of those questions that all critics and non-believers ask. How can a creature that can be over 10 foot tall and over 1000 lbs not be seen more. These are just my thoughts on how this could be. First will be the abilities that are easy to understand or believe.


1. They are the King of the Forest and masters of their domain. They know every trail, cave, abandoned building and hiding spot in their area.

2. They are able to understand all of the other animals language, warning sounds, that basically let them know what is going on around them without actually having to be there. Crows, squirrels and other animals are natures alarm bells. They warn the forest of danger constantly.

3. They have adapted themself to primarily move at night. They do this to avoid humans and hunt at night.

4. They can move very stealthy or use their speed to put distance between any human that ventures to close. They are much faster and can navigate dangerous terrain much better than humans. They always try to put a roadblock between them and us (river, creek, lake, valley, steep incline, or extremely thick undergrowth where humans don't want to go).

5. They have the ability to climb high in the trees and hide in its canopy as a person walks right by. Most humans/hunters either look straight ahead or down for tracks. Very few look up (except for squirrel hunters). They have patterned humans and use this to their advantage. This is especially used by small ones that are not as strong and fast as the adults. They are also smaller so the canopy can completely hide them.

6. Since they are in the woods all the time their senses are much more acute than ours. Their sense of smell, hearing, eyesight, and others are constantly used and trained to pick up even the smallest detail. Humans may have had this ability in the past but lost a lot of it due to modernization.

7. Many researchers believe they have day-watchers (lookouts) positioned in key areas to warn of any approaching danger.

Now for some of their special abilities that numerous witnesses have talked about.


1. Many people have stated they believe they can pick out electronics of all kinds. No one is sure how (by hearing them, picking out their frequency's or other ways). But they believe they can. Thus almost every human is carrying some sort of electronic device with them. From a watch, cell phone, gps, or other device. If they can pick up on the electronics then it is like you would be walking around with a tracking device on you. They would know where you are at all times and be able to navigate around you.

2. Many believe they can not only mind-speak but also be able to read your thoughts. So they might know where you are going and what you are doing there without saying a word. If so they could easily avoid you.

3. Many witnesses have stated they have seen them turn translucent or even just disappear. Again many people try to theorize how they can do this but no one really knows how or if they can. Some people believe that is one reason the government is so interested in them. Wouldn't they love to have a tank that is invisible!!! But back to the subject at hand. If they do have any of these abilities then it would make it very easy to remain unseen to humans. Imagine if one could cloak or turn invisible. All it would have to do is climb a huge tree and cloak or disappear as you walk right under it.

So as you see it is not so unbelievable as most people want you to believe about them remaining unseen. Even in the first set of circumstances. But add any of the special abilities to it and it's a wonder how we see any at all. Maybe the Native Americans had it right when they said that the only way you will see one is if it wants you to see it!!!

Just some thoughts on the subject I hope this will add some insight to how it is possible for a creature that big to remain unseen.

Does Bigfoot Hate Dogs?

As I had stated before if we make a mistake Bigfoot will let us know. A friend of ours was working at the pond and needed to turn the electricity off. The power box was in an old open sided barn where it looked like they made furniture. When he went to turn the electricity off he couldn’t get to the box due to so many bees coming out if the ground. He thought they were yellow jackets so he went and bought several cans of poison to kill them with. After killing them he finished the repairs and left. What he was telling me made no sense. We had never see wasps or bees in there and there wasn’t a hole in the ground. 2 days later I went to check it out. There was a blue tarp that must have been under the sawdust it had been pulled back to expose the hole. Then I saw 2 30’ trees had been pushed into the pond. Since there are no bears in the area I knew what had done it. Bigfoot!!! But why had the trees been pushed into the pond? Then I thought about the hole that was bigger than bowling ball size and went to get a closer look. I shined a flashlight into the hole and there it was. Part of a honeycomb. So what had happened was one of them knew the tarp was under the sawdust. Pulled it back to expose the hole (in the closeup picture you can actually see where it appears the tarp was grabbed). Grabbed the honeycomb and probably due th the wasp attack dropped the tarp and ran off. We unknowingly killed honeybees and not Yellowjacket’s. Thus we had killed their honey production and didn’t even know it. So they were upset that we did that and sent us a message that they weren’t happy about it by pushing 2-30 foot trees into the pond. I went to check the hole to see if any other animals could have done it and it didn’t appear they could. There were no dig marks on the ground, no push marks on the ground that a wild hog would do. Just the stretch marks left on the tarp where it was pulled back and it is way to wide for it to be a raccoon. So as you can see they will let you know if you do something wrong. But you have to be open minded enough to figure out what you did. Lessons learned!!!

We Like Salmon

I had put 2 -14 lb bags of dog food at the gifting station since there had been a lot of activity in the area. I was trying to get a good viewing of the different footprint sizes to see how many of these creatures were in the area. I knew they liked the salmon flavored Beneful dog food but the store only had one 14 lb bag so for the second bag I bought a Beneful chicken flavored bag. I put it out on a Wednesday and was going to check it the next weekend to check out the footprints. After I put gifts out for them I will throw any trash in the large trash can like you put by the road. I’m well over 6 foot tall but can still only reach 3/4 of the way to the bottom of the trash can. This day when I put the 2 bags in the trash can they were at the very bottom since the trash can was empty. The next morning I was greeted at my car by an empty Salmon flavored Beneful bag right next to where I step into the car. I just laughed since I knew that was a message to me. I was being told that this was the kind of dog food they liked not the chicken flavored. There had not been a storm or any wind the night before and the trash can was 30 yards from where the empty bag was. I went to confirm my suspicions and on the way to the trash cans saw a couple fresh juvenile prints between where the bag was and the trash can. The lid to the trash can was closed. I opened it up and sure enough the empty chicken flavor bag was in there but the Salmon flavor bag was gone. I opened the lid and tried to pick up the chicken flavored bag but my arm wouldn’t reach it. It was to far down so that meant the arm that did pull it out was longer than mine. I decided to verify that this was a message so I got on the side by side and drove to the gifting station. And just as I thought after one night all 14 lbs of the salmon flavored dog food was gone and 25% of the chicken flavored dog food. So I was correct that the juvenile was sending me a message that this was the type dog food they liked and not the chicken flavor. Again there was no storm nor wind that night that would have opened the lid of the trash can up, pulled the bag from the very bottom of the trash can, closed the lid back, carried the empty bag 30 yards uphill and set it right where I step into the car. What we learned was the following:

1. How much they watch everything we do. They not only knew how to open the trash can but which one we discard those bags in.

2. How very observant they are. They had to have been watching enough to know not only the different colors of the dog food bags but also which bag went into which container.

3. How comfortable they are around us to do that and know we would understand the meaning.

4. Have watched us enough to know the bags come out of my car and that I am the one that put the dogfood in the containers. Also they were observant enough to know where I get in the car and left the bag right there so I would almost have to step on it to get in the car.

We have no bears in the area. But just imagine the thoughts that went into letting me know which kind of dogfood they like the most. That is how amazingly smart these creatures are and how observant they are to what goes on around them. I hope you enjoyed this event that happened near Area59.

Broken Pine Tree

My wife and I took off and stayed home one day. We had a couple of contractors coming to give us quotes on a fence. I was uncommonly still that day with no wind and it hadn't rained in a couple of days. We had built up some trust with a Bigfoot family group and we had felt that if anything happened to us they would try to protect us. When the second contractor came in our road was clear. But when he left there was a huge pine tree on the road. After investigating the tree it was found to have been broken 8 to 9 foot high. The tree was a 50 foot tall pine tree and was about 18.5" wide or more at the base of the tree. It was a live and very healthy tree. In looking at the tree there was a smaller tree that had been broken several weeks earlier in the same direction but it was much smaller. There was also a footprint found going to the pine tree. There is a picture of it and the shoe next to it is 13.5 inches long. So what happened? Did he/she think we were in danger and want to block the road? Was it a young male that had been moved out of its normal area and was trying to show it was now his territory? It was near a smaller tree broken in the same direction. We don't really know but the power of these creatures is incredible. Just look at the size of this tree? It's very big and was very healthy. I’m glad it doesn't happen often. It sure took us longer to get it out of the road than it did for it to break it. Lol

A Bigfoot Beautiful Gift

Many people have asked if we ever get gifts from Bigfoot. The pictures below was a gift from Bigfoot. We had gifted them a rotisserie chicken to see how they would eat it. Later we found this gift. It had dirt on it but this is what it looked like after getting most of the dirt off of it. The mineral inclusions are beautiful. The one side reminds me of ET since it looks a little bit like a heart in the middle of it. This so far is the most beautiful gift we have received but not the most amazing.

Bigfoot finally got married. I guess he met his SOLE mate.

The Bone

My wife and I went to the gifting station and we were trying to figure out eating habits. We had learned that it appeared the little ones liked anything sweet by where the prints were and the adults ate the protein first (sounds familiar doesn’t it). We wanted to see what they would do with a rotisserie chicken. We put it in a plastic containers with high sides so if anything else grabbed it it would get caught on the containers edge or hit the ground. My wife decided to leave them a half drank plastic mini Diet Coke. The next day we went back and I immediately went to the container that held the whole chicken. The container hadn’t moved and I saw no signs of any other animal tracks. It appeared whatever took the chicken had just picked it up and walked off with it (there were no signs of anything eating it nearby.). About that time my wife called me and said look at this (she was holding the Diet Coke bottle). I replied yes it’s the Diet Coke bottle you left for them (it was laying on the ground next to the gifting station). She said yes but look at it. I looked harder and saw that it was completely empty. After saying, I see it’s completely empty she said look a little harder. Which of course I did and saw the top had been screwed back on it. I said that’s crazy you had to have hands to do that. Then I told her it appeared that what ever took the chicken up apparently just picked it straight up and walked off with it. And then I said to her in jest “They didn’t even leave us a bone!” She said what did you say so I told her again that they didn’t even leave us a bone. She just smiled. 3 days later I went back down there and saw something crazy. In between where we park the side by side and the container that the chicken was in lay a chicken bone. It appeared to be half of a chickens wing bone. It had been put next to the container so we would have to see it. This was another time that it appeared they knew exactly what we said and didn’t want to disappoint us. So he/she went and found a piece of a chicken bone and left it for us. They may understand English but maybe not english slang. Lol. I know it’s crazy, but true!!!

The Dog

My wife wanted to put this dog on the other side of the creek so people would feel welcome driving to that side. She put it on top of a flat area on the woods side of the creek. I told her I didn’t think it was a good idea. Our friends on the other side of the creek I felt sure would take it (Bigfoot). She replied “I hope not!!!” . Well about 3 weeks later the dog mysteriously disappeared. There was some sand on the trail on the other side of the creek. It had piled up in the middle of the trail from where the side by side tires had pushed it. On top of the sand pile in the middle of the trail was a rock that hadn’t been there before. The point of the rock was pointing to where the dog had been. I told my wife that that was her gift back for the dog. She stated “I don’t want it. I want my dog back. After a couple of weeks driving by their gift I went ahead and picked it up and put it in the back of the side by side. After several weeks I went to clean out the side by side and picked up the rock. I hadn’t noticed it before since I was in a hurry, but engraved on the rock is like a V pointing towards the point on the rock. It was as if they were saying this is your gift for that (the dog). To date we have not figured out how the engraving was made.

So again if Bigfoot takes or gets something that they deem of value they will leave you a gift in return!!!

The Flower Bucket

Before Bigfoot let us know they were there we used this Flower bucket to water the plants outside. One weekend I went to look for it and it was gone. I thought one of the kids had done something with it but they all said they hadn’t seen it. It disappeared the summer of 2019. In January 2020 is when they let us know they were there. Around March of 2020 (just before the leaves grew on the trees) we were driving the side by side around and I saw something white in the thick woods about 30 yards away from a trail that went to the creek. When I went to check it out I found that it was our flower bucket. This was about 1/4 mile away from where it had been previously. There was no way it could have blown or been put where it was by the kids. Then I realized that it would make a perfect bucket to either drink from or shower with for a Bigfoot. And the proximity that it was found to the creek crossing made sense. We brought it home and left it near the driveway. The next day I went to use it again and guess what. That’s right it disappeared again. To date they have done a better job hiding it since it still hasn’t been seen again.

Bigfoot The Weatherman

One Sunday afternoon we had relatives over at Area 59 so we decided to go fishing. We saw some bad storm clouds but we were hoping they were going the other way. As we were fishing the wind picked up and then the lightning struck about 2 miles away. I could feel that we were being watched by one of clan members. The wind stopped and in a nearby tree something snapped a large branch. It wasn't a falling limb since nothing hit the ground and it let me know it was one of them. One of the relatives knew they were around. I said we have to go. She said are we in danger from them? I said no but they are letting me know that either lightning or hard rain is about to hit. We quickly got in the side by side and went back. Another relative was walking down the driveway to meet us and she also heard a different limb break. But she didn't know what it meant. I don't know if it lighten struck where we were at the pond but as soon as we got inside it started pouring down rain. They know we don't like rain from watching us run inside when it rains. This and other reasons like this is why we feel they would protect us. The neat thing is if they hadn't got our attention when they did we may either have been struck by lightning or at the very least gotten soaked in a downpour. So I guess you can't get a better weatherman than Bigfoot!!!

The Roof

There was a bad storm so we had to get the roof replaced since to many tiles were blown off. The head of the crew came by with some documents for me to sign. By the house was a clear Bigfoot print which he saw. He looked at it and said do you know what this is? I said I think so what do you think it is. He said that is a Bigfoot foot print. I said it sure looks like it. He then told me that in the mountains of Afghanistan they ran into these creatures and they would throw rocks at them sometimes. He even said some of the village leaders would show them on a map where to not go because there were angry I think they called them rock apes (I'm not sure about that name) to stay away from. I let him know we had a clan of them around the area but they were peaceful.

They dropped the roof tiles and other supplies needed near the roof in an open area. He called me the next afternoon and told me that they had been messed with. I said what do you mean? He said that he was there that morning when they dropped them off. But this afternoon something has stuck a limb in the side of the tiles and some of the boxes have been pushed down and there are hand prints on them. I said how did a branch get stuck in it? He asked if anyone had been there and I told him they hadn't. He said it wasn't there this morning so one or more of you Bigfoot friends must have been checking it out to see what it was. I asked if there was any damage and he said he didn't think so.

Later while doing the job he went in the woods to use the bathroom. He said do you have any young children that play in the woods? I replied "No, why do you ask?". He stated that he crossed the creek and found 4 or 5 yellow softballs, a basketball, and a beach ball like is in a pool. Along with that there were 8 to 10 pieces of the colored building blocks like they had before leggo's came out. He stated it looked like some kids had been playing with them. When he told me where he was it was one of the areas that I don't go. I've never seen the spot but he said it had an area cleared out so they could play. So now I at least know where 1 basketball and several softballs went. As for the other ball and building blocks I guess they borrowed them from somewhere else!!! I still haven't seen nor looked for this spot in order to keep that area safe for them.

The Marble Plate

We originally gifted blue marbles to the Bigfoot clan to start our interactions with them. That was such a success that we decided to test how they would react to us making them a smiley face with blue marbles on white sand in a glass plate. We put it on the stump feeder just like we put the marbles knowing that it would be seen. The first time we went to look and see if anything happened all the marbles were moved to the bottom of the plate. We made it into a smiley face again. Again the next time it was moved to the bottom of the plate again. So we just left them there. 2 weeks later we went back and it was changed to a smiley face. We then put the marbles around the edge in a circle. We went back a couple days later. It was back in a smiley face. We then made a rectangle. They again made a smiley face. We don’t have a picture of it but we made a square and found out they think differently. They changed the square to a face with 4 moves. The square had 3 marbles on the top row, bottom row, and both side rows. 8 marbles total. In 4 moves they made a face. The middle marble at the top was a lighter blue. It had been moved down to make a nose. The middle marbles on each side was slid out and the bottom middle one moved down to make a smile. We would move every marble to make a smiley face but they did it in 4 moves. That’s incredibly intelligent. The first picture below was how we made our smiley face. The other 3 were faces they made with the marbles. I think they were moving them down to the bottom to play a trick on us. But when we stopped playing they then made a smiley face back. And as we changes the shape they continued to make smiley faces. There is more things they did with the marbles in the marble plate. Those stories will come in future stories.

The Most Amazing Bigfoot Gift

There had been a couple of weeks we had been away from the house due to an illness in the family. When I was able to get back and give them a gift I gave them some extra to show that I hadn’t forget them. The next time I went to the gifting station this rock was sitting right where I stand to put the gifts out. The picture on the top doesn’t do justice to it but it looks like they were making a footprint. They know I always take pictures of their footprints so they know I’m intrigued by them. Around the shape had been worn down to make the shape. The bottom was also worn down and made like a base. When you set it down the bottom base is at an angle so the foot shape is tilted toward you when you are looking at it. The first 3 pictures are of the top with the foot shape. The next 4 are of the base and how its worn down.

The Barn

Recently we had been cutting back on the amount of gifts left for the Bigfoot clan and gifting less. We still would gift on the same days just less. They in turn started eating less. Or at least stretching the food out so it would last longer. But the gifts they liked the most would almost always be gone in one day. Being as smart as they are and watching us all the time they saw that I would sometimes put some food back into the back of the side by side. I would park the side by side in the barn. The barn has 2 pull down drive in doors that I would pull down and lock after using the side by side. There is a door on the side we leave unlocked so in the event we need to get a shovel, hoe, weed trimmer or some other tool out quickly it could be done without having to get the keys to unlock the roll up doors. I hate going to the store so I would usually buy extra when I went. We would put some of the extra gifts in the back of the side by side and just leave it there since that's where it would go to be put out the next time. I started noticing a couple of opened wrappers on the ground next to the side by side in the barn. I knew how smart and observant they were so I started wondering if one or more were going into the barn and getting food out of the back of the side by side. When we checked the metal door (which opens outward) it looked like something had taken 2 fingers and tried to push it in. Below it looked like something was squatted and used their fist knuckle's to try to push the door in. The metal door is very solid but left the indentations in the door. We decided to leave a trap to verify our suspicions. We left a box containing 12 wrapped packs of Nutter Butter crackers in the back of the side by side. Two days later we checked and sure enough there was an empty wrapper of one of the twelve packs in the back of the side by side. But the remainder of the box was gone. Box and all!!! So at least one had found out how to turn the knob and pull the door open to get the additional gifts that would end up being theirs anyway. This again proves how smart they are. This also shows their problem solving capabilities and planning capabilities. This is just another crazy but true event from area 59!!!

Walk in the forest_edited.jpg

The Scariest Event With Bigfoot Thus Far

As I've stated before Bigfoot is big on knowing the truth which builds trust. It hasn't always been happy and pleasant. This is in the top 2 scariest things that has happened so far.

My wife and I went to the pond to mow around it to help reduce snakes and other unwanted animals. She brought the riding lawn mower over to mow around the pond. I usually use the weed eater to go around the edges but this year we waited too long so I brought the push lawn mower to mow the edges. This is a slow process since you have to push the lawnmower over the edge one small cut at a time. This is the first time we had to do this since having the pond.

After getting the lawnmower out of the side by side I started it up. Immediately the hair stood up on my arms (This had only happened one other time in my life when I was surrounded by a pack of wild dogs.).

I turned it off and told my wife that something didn't like us being there and showed her the hairs standing up on both arms. She said it would be ok we're not going to be here long and we're not here to hurt them. About 20 to 25 seconds later the feeling went away and everything went back to normal. I kept my guard up though since I had this feeling of being watched. When I got near their main trail something happened that had never happened in my entire life. The hair stood up on my arms and the back of my neck. I had a very strong feeling it was the alpha male and he was 10 to 15 yards behind me at most. I had no knife, gun, or any type of weapon on me. The side by side and my wife were both at the other end of the pond. I thought about turning around and looking at him but many Native American tribes say never to look them in the eyes. Then all the sudden I had this feeling of dread and feeling that there was nothing I could do (which I already knew). Then a voice or thought came inside my head that wasn't mine. It said "There is nothing you can do to me!!!! You need to leave now!!!" Since I knew it could understand my thoughts I said back in my head to him "I understand that but we are not here to hurt you or your family. We are here cutting the grass around the pond and then we will leave. You are welcome here at our place." Within 25 seconds all the bad feelings went away. But I could tell we were still being watched. As soon as we were done I told my wife what had happened and told her we needed to leave so they can see we are telling the truth. So we left like we normally would.

Two weeks later I was able to figure out what happened. Down by the creek in the sand I saw some baby footprints less than 4 inches long and about 2 inches wide. The dad had come to help protect the family and help get food for them while the mom was taking care of the baby. It was protecting his clan just like a father would protect his children and family. Since that time I have paid particular attention to when I see the adult males print. And what I find is the adult male is not around that much but he leaves his prints always when I find baby footprints. So when I know he's around I always announce to them where I am going to. Thus trying to help prevent me getting between or near the baby. That's gives them time to move away from where I'm going. We feel like that was a true trust builder with the male and since that time he has helped us with a couple of issues we have had. But that is for future real experiences in Area 59.

The Growl!!!

I have stated we have made mistakes along the way. One of these gave us our only growl thus far. My wife decided to have a family outing in Area 59. While everyone was talking my wife suggested that I drive some of the trusted family members around in the side by side and show them some Bigfoot prints. I thought it couldn't hurt since it would only be a couple of trips. We went to the pond first and the pond was extremely low. It was apparent the pump had gotten clogged. There was a huge branch bent over the trail pointing at the pipe where the water comes out. That confused me a little since it wasn't marking a trail (later we realized that was their way of letting us know that no water was coming out of the pipe). After moving the branch to go to their favorite pond entrance area I saw the water was so low that there were deep footprint impressions in the mud. Clearly seen, but even when they aren't hiding their prints they don't want them to be like that. They had taken branches and snapped them off into little pieces and put over the tracks to hide them. But they are so smart they put some where there weren't prints to not draw all the attention to the footprints. They were trying to make the branch breaks look natural. The problem was the prints were so deep that even with the branches on top you could still clearly see the big footprints. They were amazed looking at the prints. But then about 25 yards away there were 3 dog barks over the hill next to us. One of the relatives said "You have dogs down here?" . I responded back "That's not a dog that did those barks." I realized they probably weren't happy that I was showing them these footprints. So we drove back. Well the next couple of relatives were ready to go so I decided to drive them quickly to the pond show them a print and bring them back. I was trying to get it done quickly but as they were looking at one of the muddy prints I heard 3 more dog barks. But this time they sounded and felt a little angrier. We went back and there was one more respected family member that wanted to go. And no I wasn't stupid enough to go to the pond again. We went to the gifting station. There were several prints there but one of the small prints that was 5" long by 3" wide had great toe prints (which are very hard to get). He was amazed by it and kept talking about how perfect the toe prints were and how it couldn't be anything else. I had the feeling we were being watched and after he said it a third time about how perfect the toes were there was a deep guttural growl just on the other side of the creek. Thank goodness I was the only one that heard it since he was talking at the time and it wasn't one of those loud growls. So in my head I told it that I was sorry and had made a mistake. I wouldn't take anyone else out and if anyone tried to come on the property to do harm to them I would help protect them. Then we left and went back. They hid their prints for about 2 weeks but I saw the signs and knew they were still there. These creatures are all about trust. I believe that since I did what I said and left, and I also think that they knew I was sincere with what I said is why hiding their prints didn't last longer.

The Voice Recorder

As we had stated there have been setbacks to trust along the way. One of these was an amazing experience of intelligence, cunning, and the ability to hide its actions. We were trying to get information about their vocal abilities. So we gifted them several food items that we knew they loved in an attempt to hear vocal interactions between the clan members. So we hid a recorder in a box and put the microphone under the lid so it couldn't be seen or detected. We had put 2 plastic containers that people use to put their Christmas wrapping paper in. In one we had 14 lbs of dog food, in the other one was 2 mega boxes of cereals of different types (this time there were Fruit Loops, and Apple Jacks). We also added peanut butter crackers and honey graham crackers. We figured with all that more than one would come and we would have a good chance to record their language. When we went down the next day we saw that they had found the recorder microphone and pulled it out of the box and placed it on top of the sand on the marble plate ( the marbles had been taken so there was only sand left). It was if they were saying don't play tricks on us!!! We found what you did!!! We had a third plastic container at the gifting station but it had been left on the ground by the gifting station upside down (it had gotten full of water from a rain storm so we put in on the ground upside down to dry out). We immediately noticed that the dog food container was empty but everything else was left untouched. When we went around the gifting station we noticed the empty container that had been on the ground was not there anymore. So I started looking around for it. After a short search at the woods edge I saw that in the woods was a container but it wasn't the empty one. It was the one that had dog food in it. About 9 to 10 lbs of the dog food was gone. I started looking to see if I could figure out what put it there. There were no drag marks, no dog food on the ground or marks showing the container was dropped to the ground. In the grass at the woods edge nothing had been dragged but there were multiple human like footprints in a straight line leading to the woods. So what had appeared to have happened was something had picked the container up and moved it to the woods. Attempted to hide what had been done by picking up the empty container off the ground and putting it where the dog food container had been. Thus giving the illusion that the dog food had been eaten at the gifting station and not moved. We took the recorder out and what we heard was shortly after dark heavy bipedal footprints went directly to the box. And slowly pulled the microphone and cord out of the box and laid it on the sand to let us know that they found the recorded. During the night we could hear bipedal footprints in the woods. But very few near the gifting station. It appeared as if one on the adults was able to detect the recorder, and pull the microphone out. Then we believe let the others know not to eat from the gifting station. But a hungry juvenile decided that he would obey the adults but take the dog food into the woods to eat instead of at the gifting station. Then to hide what it had done put the empty container were the full one had been. It was about 2 and a half weeks before they started using the gifting station again. I actually went down there and apologized for putting the recorder down there and let them know I wouldn't do it again (which I never did). Then within a couple of days they started using the gifting station again. To them I had broken their trust and it wasn't until I apologized that they started using it again. They definitely are much smarter than normal animals. In fact there is nothing normal about the things they do!!!

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